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Learning More About The Most Powerful Countries In The World

There are several countries in the world the same having recorded at 197 see this website for a sneak peak on each of them. For the world economy to progress there has to be competition and as usual we have those countries that are regarded as super powers and when it comes to this, the value the country brings economically to the table is what determines how powerful it is see this website for more on world economy. The traits about the countries dominate involve economy and the kind of military that they have and this can be seen from the fact that countries like the United States is always on the headlines because of its military and economy and further details on this can be seen if you click here now! In addition to this this article is written so that you as the reader will get to learn more about the most powerful countries in the world.

When it comes to GDP also known as gross domestic product the United States comes top as against any other country in the world, this together with the budget that it’s military gets the United States has for a long time remained the most powerful country in the world. For this reason most people across the world are always fighting to get their way into the United States and this is evident even from the number of visa application made every year read more here. Most people have heard about Russia but what they didn’t know is that on matters power this country comes second, with a population of slightly above one hundred and forty million people, this country has been stated to have great influence politically. What most people know is that China is overpopulated but they actually don’t know that the population has clocked a billion but the good news is that it’s GDP comes second to that of the United States. With a GDP of four trillion dollars, Germany makes it to number four, learn more.

When we talk about fashion it’s almost impossible to do so without a mention of Europe, this is however not the only interesting thing about this powerful country, it’s GDP puts it fifth on world powerful countries click for more. Apart from the UK when you talk about fashion France is not left behind but this is not all there is to France since it is also a world super power due to its contribution to the world economy. If there is one thing that Japan is know for its it’s cars and also other technology and interesting enough it makes it to the list of world influential countries. On this list we also have Israel click here to discover more about this world super power. With technology that is rapidly growing South Korea equally can now be regarded as a world super power.