The window is essential both in houses and vehicles since it allows light and fresh air to come in while protecting you from strong winds, cold and other debris from getting into your car or house. You will find that the window can be of different designs. You will find that there is a variety of glass windows that are available. There are glass windows that are very clear and you can find these glasses in most houses and also in the cars. You will find that in specific malls there are clear glasses that act a s a door or window in the inside or on the outside. Window tints are a thin layer of paper that is placed on the sides of the window of the vehicles. The reasons for placing the window tint is different depending on the owner of the vehicle. When it comes to homes there are windows that resemble the window tint since there is some shade if black. There are various merits one will get when they ensure that the vehicles windows are placed some tint on them. When the tint is places on the side window of your vehicles you will get the needed privacy that you want. This means you can perform your activities without people looking at what you are doing. It even becomes hard to distinguish who the driver is and the person who is in the back seat. It becomes for people to identify you easily especially if you are a celebrity or a person who is in power. This is because such people attract a crowd and the only way to seal their identity is placing the window tint on the vehicle. It becomes difficult to tell which vehicle the president and other influential people may be in since the vehicles are identical and they have the same thing which enhances the security of such a person. With a window tint you are assured if your safety and privacy while in the vehicle. The second benefit of having the window tint is that you will be able to view the surrounding properly and have the property you leave in your car safe. This means that you can survey a particular area and find out about it without people knowing that you were there. When you have a vehicle that has tint it creates a cover for you to conduct a a preliminary investigation on someone or something that is occurring in a a certain area. This allow you to witness what you have been told and confirm whether it is true or you were lied.