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Things that You Have to Know About Bipolar Depression

You must understand that bipolar disorder is a kind of condition which affects all types of individuals. Both children and adults would get affected by such kind of condition. Such is a fact that you must understand. Women would suffer the most from this kind of depression that is called bipolar depression disorder.

This is not really strange or far-fetched in any case because even if the women would suffer from the regular bipolar type of depression or depressive disorder, they are going to spend more time depressed than they would do being manic. This isn’t to say that only the women are depressive, the men also are and they may get affected by such condition.

The bipolar kind of disorder is also known as manic depression since such is a mental condition wherein you interchange often between such phases of depression and mania. If you suffer from such bipolar depression, you won’t have to spend a lot of time being manic as you spend getting depressed.

Such kind of depression is a form of disorder and you must understand that it is easy to mistakenly diagnose as bipolar disorder because of the sameness of these symptoms. Because of this, the doctor must have to keep you around for a long time when they would try to diagnose the condition that you have. It is definitely not flattering to either of you if you would be treated for a wrong thing.

The bipolar affective disorder is simply another name for such bipolar disorder or the manic-depressive illness. But, you don’t like to mistake this for bipolar depression disorder. Such is closely related with all of the symptoms of such depressive phase of the bipolar disorder, but very few of the mania.

The monotherapy trials against the placebo continue to be the gold-standard design when it comes to determining the efficacy in bipolar depression. When the efficacy would be proven as a monotherapy, the new compounds can be tested in such adjunctive-medication placebo-controlled trials. Those younger adults, without the established need for such long-term medication can be suitable for the clinical trials needing placebo-controls. The switch to mania or hypomania can be the consequence of such active treatment for the bipolar depression.

Some medications like the tricyclic antidepressants as well as venlafaxine can be more likely to prove switch unlike the others but such increased rate of the switch can’t be seen until around ten weeks of treatment. Thus, the 12-week trials against placebo are needed to determine the risk of switch and establish the continuing effects. You should know that careful assessment at 6-8 weeks are required to make sure that the patients who fail to respond won’t continue in the study for the unacceptable periods of time.